Issue: Erroring on either Vault Exchange Console Upload or Downloads
Using the Exchange Console, the uploads or downloads will go into Error status for various reason. The Hotfolder.log stores information regarding the cause of the issue.
Resolution or Troubleshooting Steps:
On the computer that is experiencing the issue, locate the Exchange Consoles Hotfolder.log by following the steps below, or use the batch file attached below. If you use the batch file, right click on it and run it as administrator. It will copy the HotFolder.log to the desktop for you.
Resolution 1: Execute Batch File
- Download the Hotfolder.log.bat file attached in this article.
- This is an executable that will copy the HotFolder.log file to your desktop
- Commands being run:
- xcopy /s "%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\XOS Exchange Console\hotfolder.log" "%UserProfile%\Desktop"
- Commands being run:
- This is an executable that will copy the HotFolder.log file to your desktop
- Double Click on the Hotfolder.log.bat
- The hotfolder.log file will be copied to your desktop, which you can then email to support.
Resolution 2: Manual Copy Process
- Open the Windows Explorer
- In the address bar, type %appdata%
- This will take you to the Appdata\Roaming location of the windows user you are on.
- Open the XOS Exchange Console folder
- Copy and email the hotfolder.log to
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