- The Thunder HEMI media player window is black when attempting to capture after doing a windows update
List of Symptoms
- The HEMI media player window is black in Thunder, but the video feed shows in Blackmagic Media Express
Expected Behavior
- Thunder capture displays the video feed within the HEMI media player window
- Certain Thunder video DLLs which accommodate Thunder capture have been unregistered by a Windows update
Resolution or Troubleshooting Steps:
- Close Thunder
- If on Thunder Hockey 2021, run the Restricted User Setup Tool
- If on a prior version of Thunder, download the attached script and run as an administrator
- You should receive two popups as you do this, select OK on both
- You should receive two popups as you do this, select OK on both
- If Thunder still has a black screen on capture, contact Thunder support:
(800) 490-7767
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