Data within Thunder is organized through different data fields. These are the columns or headings that appear within the data sheet in Thunder and allow for a user to provide meaning or context to a piece of video. Most data fields are already created and ready for use within Thunder, but users can create their own data fields to better accomplish their goals within Thunder.
- Navigate to the administration tab within Thunder.
- Navigate to "Fields" on the bottom-left.
- To create a new field, select the "New Field" button on the bottom.
- You will be greeted with the following window:
- Key, Field Name, Display Name, and Abbreviation are what you use to identify your field. Try to make them as specific as possible so that you can easily identify your field and don't confuse it with other, similar fields. It is recommended to limit the use of special characters within these sections, as most will not be usable in order to prevent issues going forward.
- For "Category" you are choosing where and how you want to categorize your new field. The vast majority of fields end up being placed into the "Play" category. Another way to think of this is for what the data field will be used. From there, it depends on the specific field and its purpose. You can also create a new category if you wish to.
- The "Value Type" is how you fit your field to its purpose:
- Single Line Text: You can type anything within 1 line.
- Multi Line Text: Supports hitting enter and being able to key in multiple lines of data entry.
- Open List - You can see a list of previously-existing values to select, but you can also type in a new value. New values will automatically be added to that list of existing values.
- In other words, you can free-type and Thunder adds that new value to a list that you can auto-complete off, or you can click in it and pick an item from the dropdown.
- Fixed List - You define the list in Field Administration. You can open and pick the values in that list and are unable to enter more.
- We recommend Single Line Text for most things, and Fixed Lists when you know exactly what values you want to be available for use.
- For "Description" you can enter a description of the field and its purpose/usage in case someone needs to remember later.
- For "Role", you can assign a field to certain sides of ball. For instance, if you leave offense unchecked, for example, offense users will be unable to see the field. (Will not show as an option to add to a headings group, for example).
- On the right-hand side, under "Values", this is where you can manage what data values are available for a field.
- So, for a fixed-list or open-list data field, you can add in the values you want to be available for entry here.
- Once you have filled out all necessary information, just hit the "OK" button on the bottom-right, and the field will be added into your database for usage within headings groups, filters, overlays, etc.
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