Advanced FIELD Commands
Fit Width - Scale the diagram so that you can see the field's full width in the allotted space.
Fit All - Fit All is almost the opposite of Fit Width. Fit All scales the diagram as large as possible while still
fitting all of the contents into the physical display area. For example, if you had a single quarterback in a
diagram, using Fit Width, you'd see the full field width with the quarterback scaled appropriately. In Fit All,
you would just see a very large QB symbol occupying almost the entire screen.
Add Player - Add a new player to the current diagram.
Add Label - Add a new label to the current diagram.
Flip Offense - Flips only the Offense layer (horizontally) so that items originally located on the left appear
on the right, and items originally located on the right appear on the left. Note that the physical relationship between items remains the same.
Flip Defense - Flips only the Defense layer (horizontally) so that items originally located on the left appear on the right, and items originally located on the right appear on the left. Note that the physical relationship between items remains the same.
Flip Whole Play Horizontal - Flips the entire play layer horizontally so that items originally located on the left appear on the right, and items originally located on the right appear on the left. Note that the physical relationship between items remains the same.
Flip Whole Play Vertical - Flips the entire play layer vertically so that items originally located on the top
appear on the bottom, and items originally located on the bottom appear on the top. Note that the physical relationship between items remains the same.
Advanced Diagramming Operations
Flip Selected Vertical - Flips only the selected items vertically so that items originally located on the top
appear on the bottom, and items originally located on the bottom appear on the top.
Flip Selected Horizontal - Flips only the selected items horizontally so that items originally located on the left appear on the right, and items originally located on the right appear on the left.
Advanced PLAYER Commands
This section describes some of the advanced manipulation tools that allow you to precisely modify one or more Players.
Flip Assignments - Flips (horizontally) the selected assignment.
Delete Assignments - Removes the selected assignment from the diagram.
Align Diagram to Center of Play - Aligns the entire diagram and all of its components/layers to the center of the play.
Align Horizontal - Align all selected players to the same horizontal position as that of the first player
Align Vertical - Align all selected players to the same vertical position as that of the first player selected.
Align to LOS - Align all selected players to the line of scrimmage.
Align to Center of Play - Align all selected players to the center of play.
Align to Left Number - Align all selected players to center the left field numbers.
Align to Right Number - Align all selected players to center of the right field numbers.
Space Evenly Horizontal - Horizontally distribute all selected players evenly between the right-most and
left-most player selections.
Offset Vertical from Line of Scrimmage - Enter an value where a positive number is relative to the players' own end zone. For example, +5 for a defender means 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage while -5 would put him in the offensive backfield.
Offset Horizontal from Center of Play - Enter an value where a positive number shifts the selected player to the right, and a negative number shifts the player to the left, regardless of player position or side of ball
Offset from Left Number - A negative number shifts the selected player toward the inside of the field, 0 is center of the number, and a positive number is to toward the sideline, regardless of player position or side of ball.
Offset from Right Number -A negative number shifts the selected player toward the inside of the field, 0 is center of the number, and a positive number is to toward the sideline, regardless of player position or
side of ball.
Offset Absolute Vertical - Offsets vertically from the current player’s position. Enter an value where a
positive number shifts the selected player up from the player’s current position, and a negative number
shifts the player down.
Offset Absolute Horizontal - Offsets horizontally from the current player’s position. Enter an value where a positive number shifts the selected player to the right from the player’s current position, and a negative number shifts the player to the left.
Offset Vertical Relative - Offsets one or more selected players horizontally relative to the location of the
first player selected (the first player selected remains in the same location). Enter a value where a positive
number shifts the selected player(s) up from the first selected player’s current location, and a negative
number shifts the player(s) to the down from the first selected player’s current location.
Advanced Diagramming Operations
Offset Horizontal Relative - Offsets one or more selected players horizontally relative to the location of
the first player selected (the first player selected remains in the same location). Enter a value where a positive number shifts the selected player(s) to the right of the first selected player’s current location, and a negative number shifts the player(s) to the left.
Flip Horizontal - Flip the selected players horizontally (left becomes right, right becomes left). Note that
‘flipping’ is relative to the play’s origin (i.e. the current hash mark and line of scrimmage), so flipping the
Center horizontally generally will not result in anything happening because he (the Center) is generally at
the origin of the play.
Flip Vertical - Flip the selected players vertically (top becomes bottom, bottom becomes top). Note that
‘flipping’ is relative to the play’s origin (i.e. the current hash mark and line of scrimmage).
Restore to Default - Restores the players to the positions they occupied before adjusting them with the
player commands.
Advanced ASSIGNMENT Commands
This section describes some of the advanced manipulation tools that allow you to precisely modify a Player’s Assignment(s).
Curve to Here - Cause the assignment segment to create an even curve from its current endpoint to the
location of your mouse click.
Add Node - Add a new node to an existing assignment.
Snug to Player - Takes the first node of the assignment and places it right next to the player, in effect
lengthening the first segment.
Clean Up Nodes - Mostly used for scribble draw assignments, this option reduces the node count by taking nodes that are close together and turning them into straight lines (thereby eliminating the nodes in between).
Make Horizontal - Takes a selected segment and makes it straight horizontally by moving point B to be
exactly to the left (or right) of Point A. Note that this also affects the segment connecting Point B to Point C.
Make Vertical - Similar to Make Horizontal, this option takes a selected segment and makes it straight vertically by moving point B to be exactly above (or below) Point A. Note that this also affects the segment connecting Point B to Point C.
Flip Horizontal - Flip the selected assignment horizontally.
Flip Vertical - Flip the selected assignment vertically.
Delete Segment - Remove the selected segment from the assignment.
Advanced SEGMENT NODE Commands
This section describes some of the advanced manipulation tools that allow you to precisely modify a segment node. To use these tools, you must first open a diagram for editing or viewing.
Smooth Node - Adjust the position of the selected node to result in a smooth(er) transition for the segment(s) preceding and following that node.
Delete Node - Remove the node within an assignment, which results in the segment adjusting to connect
with the next available node. Note that, if you delete the final node, the final segment will also be deleted.
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