Thunder Post Game Tablet Workflow
Hardware Requirements
- E6540, 7510, 7520, 7530, 7480, 7490, Surface Pro 2 thru 5, SurfaceBook, SurfaceBook 2
- i5 or i7 processor
- SDHC cards (iPad) or USB drive/USB SD Card reader (Surfaces)
- XOS recommends SD cards with greater than 45MB/s speed
- Apple Camera Kit (iPad)
Optional Hardware
- USB 3.0 hubs
- USB 3.0 to SD card read/write adaptors
Preparing SDHC Cards for Process
- If you choose to use Apple iPad Camera connection kits and SD cards to distribute the content to the iPad, you will need to follow these steps to prepare the cards
- Insert SDHC card in PC
- Navigate to Card at the root of “My Computer”:
- Right click the SD card (make 100% sure you have the right drive), select Format, using these options
- File system – “FAT32”
- Volume Label must be “XOSMEDIA”
- Quick Format
- Double check the capacity to ensure you have the right drive (should be 7-16GB depending on the card).
- Hit Start
Exporting for Tablets
- Right click on your Game Day Edit and select Tools →Export Video/Plays for Trade
- Choose an Output Folder
- XOS recommends creating a folder on a local drive for best performance
- In the bottom right of the Export for Video/Plays for Trade windows select Gameday iPad/Win 8
- Check the Overwrite Game Day Display Name box to change the display name of the edit when it’s in the ThunderCloud app
- If you intend to do this workflow by half or quarter, please name each half uniquely
- The Views box will allow you to select which video angles you’d like to export
- Click OK to start the output process
- Once the output is complete the XOS Copy Manager will automatically transfer the contents of your Output folder to any drive labeled XOSMEDIA
- The Copy Manager dialog will remain open after the Post Processing progress bar reports complete during export to game day iPad. This is done so you can read final Status of the job.
- Any subsequent copies to these cards will overwrite existing media not append
- If you intend to copy by half or quarter, you will either need to use multiple sets of SD cards, or do not have the SD cards mounted during the subsequent output to iPad jobs
- You can drag and drop the DCIM folder from your Output folder to any SD card or USB drive not labeled XOSMEDIA
iPad Ingest/Playback
- Connect a camera kit to the iPad and insert the SD card
- The iPad should automatically open the Photos app
- Choose the Import icon next to Albums
- Tap Import All
- This will import the video file in the Photos section of the iPad
- When completed you’ll be asked to Delete or Keep the content
- Tap Keep so that this card can be shared with other users
- Verify that your ThunderCloud app has permission to access the Photos app
- Go to Settings → Privacy → Photos
- Set the Thundercloud button to On
- This must be set in order to view any of the imported media within the ThunderCloud app
- Launch the ThunderCloud app, tap the Imported Media button and select Imported Edits
- Tap the name of the edit that you’d like to view
- Imported media may only be deleted through the Photos app on the iPad
- Tap Photos
- Find and tap on the media you’d like to delete
- Tap the Delete icon and choose Delete Video
iPad Imported Media – Lift and Share
This features gives users the ability to select, create and send or save a video clip from the Imported Media section of the ThunderCloud app. These clips and edits created from this feature will not sync back with ThunderCloud. This feature is not currently available on non-imported media.
Email or Save a Group of Plays
- Open an edit from the Imported Media section
- Tap the Flag button to select the full play/clip
- Select the Save icon
- Select the desired quality
- A Generating Clips message will appear
- Choose your deliver/save method
- iMessage
- Save to iPad
Email or Save a Segment of a Play
- Start a segment by tapping the Record icon
- Scroll, FF or Play to the end of the desired segment
- Tap the Stop icon to finish the segment
- Select the desired quality
- A Generating Clips message will appear
- Choose your deliver/save method
- iMessage
- Save to iPad
Please note e-mail size restrictions may apply to attached files
Windows 10 Ingest/Playback
- Connect a USB drive or SD card reader to your Windows 8 device
- The connected device must have the DCIM folder and it’s contents that were produced during the Game Day export
- Launch the ThunderCloud app and select Imported Media
- The app will automatically ingest the contents of the XOSMEDIA drive
- The user won’t be prompted to ingest the media
- A floating red line will indicate that the ingest process is underway
- The automatic import will only occur if the connect drive has a DCIM folder
- The edit name will automatically appear when the import process is complete
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