In Thunder Hockey, users now have the ability to Network Capture on two clients that are both physically connected to the server and not in Travel Mode.
General Information
- Users are required to unplug Black Magic Devices in order to begin a Network Capture.
- Both A/V Matrix and Antrica capture devices are supported.
- We recommend users have 15GB of free storage on the internal drive.
- We recommend users capture directly the the server's internal SSD rather than the LaCie External drive.
- We recommend users capture directly to the local client's internal SSD rather than HDD.
- We recommend using two clients with up to two feeds each.
- Important to Note: Due to the network stream being pulled to two clients and environmental factors, intermittent frames may drop during capture.
Workflow Steps
The user will designate a primary computer as a Server Client and a secondary computer as a Local Client. They will be referenced as such in the steps below:
- Server Client
- On the Server Client, start Network Capture as normal.
- There is a new radio button titled "Capture Location" where the user can select Server for the Server client.
- Select the appropriate Volume Selection.
- Confirm your Capture Settings and Capture Template.
- Start your Network Capture.
2. Local Client
- On the Local Client, start Network Capture as normal.
- For this client, set the radio button titled "Capture Location" to Local.
- Setting the Local Client to have its capture location to the "Server" radio button will give you a warning.
- Pick the appropriate Volume Selection.
- Confirm your Capture Settings and Capture Template.
- Start your Network Capture.
3. Finalizing Capture
- The user can finalize the capture on either Client.
- The Server Client will finalize the Network Capture and upload to the server.
- The Local Client will give the user a choice:
- Upload to the server: the captured media will be available on the server (network-wide).
- Keep local: the media will only be available to that client.
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