The XOS Vault Exchange Console is used to manage the upload and download of your Vault content. This includes both My Vault and Exchange workflows.
This article contains the following sections.
- Logging In
- Download Setup
- Download Preferences
- Uploading for Game Exchange
- Fixing Game Data
- Monitoring Downloads
Logging In
Right-click on the XOS icon in the system tray and select Login.
Enter your XOS Vault credentials in the Vault User and Vault Password sections.
Download Setup
During the installation, a series of folders, which manage the upload and download of all assets, are created in the Documents section for the logged-in user. Three shortcuts are installed on your desktop that link to these folders. You can update the location of these folders by right-clicking on the tray application and choosing Settings.
- Game Exchange Upload Folder
- This is the upload folder for all Game Exchange content.
- All files in this folder must have game properties set before they’re uploaded.
- My Vault Upload Folder
- This is the upload folder for any My Vault content.
- Downloads Folder
- This is the folder where downloads (Game Exchange and My Vault) will occur.
Download Preferences
Each console application can be configured to download items based on your preferences. Filters can be configured by side of ball, as well as by team. Settings are specific to the client machines - so you’ll need to set each client individually.
- Filter by Type
- Only the selected exchange file types will be downloaded to the machine.
- Items will be downloaded into folders named by their ODK type.
- Offense: Only games exchange files associated with the scouted team’s offense.
- Defense: Game exchange files associated with the selected team’s defense.
- Kick: Game exchange files associated with the selected team’s special teams.
- Program: Game order (opening kickoff to the last play of the game) associated with the selected team.
- Other: Any other file associated with the game (TV, PDF, XML, etc.).
- Filter Teams
- This menu allows a user to designate which team(s) content can be included or excluded from the local machine during the download process. Clicking Pick Teams will open the Team Selection menu.
- My Team
- This will assign the shooter organization if it’s unable to be determined through the .exchange.
- Bandwidth
- This selection controls the number of concurrent threads used during the upload and download process based on available bandwidth.
How to Filter Teams
You can filter which teams assets download to your machine. This can help you to earmark content for direct ingest or prioritize a machine available for an important file.
After enabling the Filter Teams checkbox click on Pick Teams.
The pick teams window will open. This window allows you to include or exclude assets from one or more teams.
- Include: Only the selected team(s) owned assets will download to the machine.
- Exclude: None of the selected teams owned assets will download to the machine.
Uploading for Game Exchange
Game exchange files are uploaded through the Game Exchange Upload folder on your desktop. This folder supports the upload of any type of files but is designated for game assets. Files that download include an Interop compliant .xchange file requires users to manually fix data.
To start the upload process, add files to the Exchange Hot Folder.
- Note: A .xchange file must accompany a .mp4 file in order for play marks to be included.
The application will scan the files for game data. The upload will automatically begin if valid data is found. This process is indicated by a green up arrow on the system tray icon. Once the files are finished uploading they’ll move to a Completed folder located in the Game Exchange Upload folder.
Fixing Game Data
If the app is unable to identify valid game data it will move the files to a Holding folder. This is indicated by the system tray icon flashing orange.
You can update your files by right-clicking on the tray app icon and choosing Fix Data
A window will open which displays all files that require updating.
- Select File to Update: Choose the file(s) that require updating. Multiple files, from the same game, can be selected at one time.
- Date: Set the game date for the selected file(s).
- Home: Home team for the selected file(s).
- Visitor: Visiting team for the selected file(s).
- Shooter: Team who’s version of the game is being uploaded.
- ODK: Side of ball for the selected file. This option is disabled when multi-selecting.
- Update: Once all required fields are set this option will be enabled. Clicking it will update the meta-data for the game and move it out of the Holding folder and back to the queue.
- Click here to close the window once all files have been updated.
Monitoring Downloads
An active download process is indicated by a green down arrow in the tray application icon. The number of downloads queued is denoted through a tooltip when hovering over the tray application icon.
Detailed upload status can be monitored through the Job Status menu on the Vault Exchange site. You can access the site by right-clicking on the tray app and selecting Vault.
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