ThunderCloud SSO User Guide
- Creating a New User
- Assigning Product Permissions
- Managing Groups
- Surge Masters/Edits to iPads
- Managing Devices
- iPad Setup for Push Notifications and Surge
- Reporting on Player Usage
- Licensing Thunder
- ThunderCloud Storage Management
Creating a New User
- Click on the New User button.
- Fill out all customer assigned fields.
- E-Mail Address – The user’s login for ThunderCloud.
- Display Name – The name displayed when the user logs into or the ThunderCloud app.
- Password – The default password for the user which must be at least 6 characters.
- First Name - Users First Name.
- Last Name – Users Last Name.
- Cell Phone – Users cell phone number, used for SMS messaging. The numbers in parentheses are for the country code, not the area code.
- Carrier – Click Detect Carrier to automatically detect the cell carrier for the number listed.
- Notifications – Choose for the user to receive notifications via e-mail, SMS message or both.
- Password – Assign a default password for the user. This will appear blank after the user is created. If filled out again it will reset the user’s password.
- Force Password Reset – When checked off the user will be prompted to change their password the next time they log into
- Thunder LAN User Name – Choose the Thunder username that the user will be mapped to in ThunderCloud. This will determine what video the user has access to in ThunderCloud. It’ll also determine whether or not they have the ability to adjust data. Multiple ThunderCloud users can be mapped to the same user in Thunder.
- Enable Mobile Device ID Check (iPad) - When checked off the SSO Customer Administrators will be prompted when the user attempts to log into the ThunderCloud app on an unapproved device. If set to false the user will be able to login into any mobile/tablet device.
- Logout Timeout (in minutes) – This number will determine the length of time the application will run in the background before prompting the user to re-enter their password.
- Group – This will list any of the SSO Groups that the user is a member of.
- TC Scout Role – If applicable, users may assign TC Scout user role.
- Is Customer Contact - Opt In to receive emails from customer support regarding build releases and Windows Update Verifications
- Enable TCX Notification Opt-Out – If applicable, users may be assigned to not receive TCX notifications.
- Click Update when completed.
Assigning Product Permissions
Users must have permissions granted in order to have access to ThunderCloud products. These permissions are based on the ThunderCloud products your organization has purchased. Check the appropriate boxes off in the User Permission section of SSO then click Save Changes to confirm.
TC eXchange (TCX)
- Basic – User may access TCX
- TCX Basic with Ability to Create Guest Acnt – User may access TCX and create guest accounts
- Each of these two user groups must then be granted Download and/or Upload access
TC Playbook
- Tablet (iPad/Win8) - Standard User – User may view playbooks in the ThunderCloud app.
- Site Administrator – User may create/delete/modify users and groups within Playbook Publisher. This user may also assign group/user permissions to folders, playbooks and playbook tabs.
- Playbook Publisher – User can create/delete/modify folders and playbooks.
- Share Annotations – User may share playbook notes to another users.
- Annotation Editor – User may edit another users notes that’ve been shared to them.
TC Client (ThunderCloud Video)
- Tablet (iPad/Win8) - Standard User – User will be able to access ThunderCloud video on a tablet/mobile device.
- TC Client Web Access – User will be able to access ThunderCloud video through a web browser.
- Disable Send Message – Users will not be able to send messages through the ThunderCloud app.
- Enable Sub Clip Send – Users will be able to create video clips from within the ThunderCloud iOS app that can be sent via e-mail or a web link.
- Enable Drawing – Users will have the ability to author telestrations via ThunderCloud Web.
- Web Two Step Authentication – Users will be prompted to enter a verification code to enter the ThunderCloud website. This message is delivered via e-mail or SMS message.
TC Admin (SSO)
- Customer Administrator – User will have access to SSO ( to manage users, groups, devices, reports, licenses and ThunderCloud video.
TC Recruit
- TCX Basic – User will have access to TC Recruit website and content.
Bulk Import Users
- Click on the Bulk Import button and download the sample file.
- Fill the sample file out, making sure that every column and row is filled out correctly.
- E-Mail Address – The user’s login for ThunderCloud.
- Display Name – The name displayed when the user logs into or the ThunderCloud app.
- Password – The default password for the user which must be at least 6 characters.
- First Name - Users First Name.
- Last Name – Users Last Name.
- Cell Phone – Users cell phone number, used for SMS messaging.
- ResetPasswordOnNextLogin – When set to true users will be prompted to change their password the next time they log into If set to false the user will not be asked to change their password
- DeviceCheckEnabled - When set to true SSO Customer Administrators will be prompted when the user attempts to log into the ThunderCloud app on an unapproved device. If set to false the user will be able to login into any mobile/tablet device.
- Save the files as a CSV.
- Upload the file through the Bulk Import Tool.
- Click on the Import Users button to import the users into SSO.
- The import results will be displayed immediately after.
- After users are created they will need to have the following assigned.
- ThunderLAN User
- Any applicable Product Permissions
ThunderCloud Web – Two Step Authentication
- Two step authentication is an additional layer of security for users accessing
- When activated, users will be prompted to enter a pin code after their initial login attempt to
- Users can choose to be prompted for a new pin on every login or choose to remember the device for 30 days.
- The remember device option is web browser specific, therefore, if a user utilizes multiple web browsers they’ll be prompted for a pin on each one.
- Users will receive an e-mail or SMS message with the authentication pin.
- In order to receive the pin the user must have a valid e-mail or cell phone number listed in SSO.
- The user must also have the option to receive e-mail or SMS notifications enabled in SSO.
Create a New Group
Log into SSO (
- Click on the Groups tab
- Click Create Group
- Name the group in the Group Name section
- Give the group a description (if necessary)
- Click Save Changes to confirm the group name
Adding Users to a Group
- Click on the group name in the Groups section
- Click the Choose Users dropdown from the Group Content Management tab
- Select the box next to the users you’d like to add to the group
- Once all users have been selected click Add
- Click Close to exit the Choose Users dropdown
- Click Save Changes to confirm the selections and click OK on the last popup
Removing Users from a Group
- Click on the group name in the Groups section
- Click on a user or use the CTRL key to select multiple users
- Click the Remove button to remove the user(s) from the group
- Click Save Changes to confirm the remove and click OK on the last popup
Assign Product Permissions to a Group
- Click on the group name in the Groups section
- Click the Group Permissions Management tab
- Click on the Select Permissions dropdown
- Select the box next to the Product Permissions you’d like to assign to the users
- Please note that the existing permissions for the users will not appear in this section
- If an existing permission is reassigned the user will see no changes
- Once all permissions have been selected click Add
- If a permission has been selected by mistake click on the row then select Remove
- Click Grant permissions to the group members to confirm your changes
- Click Proceed on the pop up to finalize the process
Remove Product Permissions from a Group
- Click on the group name in the Groups section
- Click the Group Permissions Management tab
- Click on the Select Permissions dropdown
- Select the box next to the Product Permissions you’d like to remove from the users
- Please note that the existing permissions for the users will not appear in this section
- If an existing users does not have the permission being removed then they will see no change
- Once all permissions have been selected click Add
- If a permission has been selected by mistake click on the row then select Remove
- Click Revoke permissions to the group members to confirm your changes
- Click Proceed on the pop up to finalize the process
Please note that user assigned permissions will always override group permissions. Assigning permissions to a group is a one-time command, you can’t review what permissions have been assigned to a group.
Assign a Thunder LAN User for a Group
- Click on the group name in the Groups section.
- Click the Group Permissions Management tab.
- Click on the Assign Thunder LAN User Name dropdown.
- Select the user from the dropdown window
- Once the user is selected click Apply and then click OK on the confirmation window
Surge Masters/Edits to iPads
This feature allows users to surge (push) media to iPads remotely. This can be done while the iPad is in use, inactive or in sleep mode. In order for the notification and download to begin the app must be running on the iPad. Currently only Edits and Masters may be surged. No Auto Cutups may be surged. Game Plan Data will not be surged through SSO. Users will only be able to access the Edits or Masters surged to them unless they manually download the Game Plan Data in the ThunderCloud app.
Surging Masters/Edits
- Select the group you’d like to surge to from the Groups section
- Click on the Surge Master/Edits tab
- Navigate your ThunderCloud folder structure and select the masters/edits you’d like to surge
- Surging to iPads is similar to surging/downloading in Thunder. The full video asset will be downloaded for any game used in a master/edit.
- Select an Edit Expiration (optional) to automatically delete the local iPad media at a given date
- Media will delete at midnight (12:00 AM) the day selected
- Local Game Plan Data will not be deleted
- Utilize a Surge Set Name (optional) to help organize your Surge History
- Click Surge to send the surge request out to group selected
- Once a surge job has been sent out it cannot be cancelled
- Click Reset to compress the folder structure
Surge History
- Users may view a history of the surge sets they’ve pushed through the Surge Master/Edits tool.
- Click on the Surge History button.
- The following information will be displayed in the window.
- Surge Time – Date and time when the surge was sent out.
- Surge Set – The assigned Surge Set name.
- Group Name – The group that the surge was sent to.
- Expiration – If applicable, the date which the masters will delete off the users iPad. This occurs at 12:00 AM on the date selected.
- Status – State of the notifications being sent out to the iPads that a surge is going to be received. This status will be Processing, Sent or Complete. Complete will appear when all iPads have downloaded surged content.
- Info – Click the Details link to review client surge information in the Job Details window.
- Action – Click the Resurge link to resend the surge set which includes edit data and media. Media assets that already exist on the iPad will not be downloaded. Any updated edit data will be sent.
- Click on the + next to the surge time to see which masters/edits were included with the surge job.
- Click Clear Surge History to clear out the surge sets listed in the history. This does NOT delete any actual surge jobs being sent out.
- Click Refresh to reload the window.
Job Details
- The following information will be displayed in the window.
- Email Address – The email address of the user being surged to.
- Data Status – The current state of the edit data download.
- Queued - The request to download has been sent to the users ThunderCloud app.
- Complete - The requested data downloads have finished successfully.
- Media Status – The number of media assets left to download.
- Queued - The request to download has been sent to the users ThunderCloud app.
- Items Remaining - The total number of media files left to download to the users ThunderCloud app.
- Complete - The requested media downloads have finished successfully.
- Created – The date and time the surge job was created.
- Last Updated – The most recent time that the client reported an update to SSO.
- Cancel – Cancel the surge set for the user.
- Resend – Resend the request for the client to download the surge set.
- This should be done if the Created and Last Updated date and times are the same.
- If resend is available for an extended period of time check the configuration of the iPad and make sure push notifications are correctly set for the device.
This section allows administrator to grant users permission to use a specific iPad, iPhone or Windows 8 app. It allows them to assign which device will receive Push Notification for the surge to iPad feature.
- If a user has Enable Mobile Device ID Check selected then the customer administrator must approve the device prior to the user being able to log in.
- ThunderCloud users will receive the following message when they attempt to log in.
- Customer administrators will receive an e-mail with the following subject line.
- This e-mail will contain the e-mail address of the user trying to log in, as well as the device ID of the app.
- Please note that device ID is tied to the App installed on the iPad, not the iPad itself.
- This ID can change if the app is deleted and reinstalled on the iPad.
- To authorize a device click on the Edit button next to the Device Tag.
- Check off the Approved box to authorize the device.
- Users can have more than one approved device (ie. iPad and iPhone)
- Check off the Push Notifications box if this device will receive surged media.
- Users can only have one device authorized to receive push notifications.
- Click Update to confirm the approval.
iPad Setup for Push Notifications and Surge
The ThunderCloud (TC) app must have notifications enabled on the users iPad in order to receive any surged media or playbooks
- To enable notifications follow the follow steps
- Tap on Settings 🡪 Notifications
- Scroll down and tap on the ThunderCloud app
- Ensure that Allow Notifications is turned on
The Surge and Notification Process
- The TC app must be running on the iPad in order for surged content to download
- The user may be logged in and actively using the app
- The user may have the app running in the background, but not actively using it
- If the application is closed then the user will not begin downloading the content until the app is launched and they’ve logged in
- A badge notification will appear on the iPad home menu when a surge notifcation has been received
- The following banners may also be received by the user when they are not actively using the TC app
- The download progress of media may be tracked in the Local Management section of the TC app
- These notifications will not appear if the user is actively using the TC app
ThunderCloud Customer Administrators can generate ThunderCloud Usage Reports. These reports detail the ThunderCloud edits and playbooks that users view. It will also list the length of time they view each. Please note that this time will show 00:00 if they watch for less then one minute.
- Click on the Reports tab in SSO.
- Select a Start Date and an End Date for the report range.
- Click Generate to run the report.
- A new browser window will open.
- The following will be listed in the report.
- User
- Device Type
- Device ID
- Location - IP or Physical Address
- Asset - Edit or Playbook viewed
- Start Date
- End Date
- Video – Amount of time viewed
- Playbook – Amount of time viewed
- Overall – Amount of time spent view video and playbooks
- Note – Description of event (Invalid User Credentials or New Device)
- NCAA customers do not receive Video or Playbook time reports due to NCAA regulations.
- Users can choose to generate the report as a CSV file for use within Excel.
Thunder LAN client licensing is handled through SSO. Each customer has a client license limit based on what the number they’ve purchased from XOS.
How to License a Client
- Customer administrators will receive an e-mail when a new Thunder LAN client is ready to be activated.
- Log into SSO and go to the Licenses tab.
- Find the computer name that needs to be licensed and click Activate.
- It may take between 5-10 minutes for a client to appear.
- To deactivate a client license once it’s been activated click the Deactivate button.
- To delete a client you must first activate it, then click Delete.
- The number of active licenses and license limit will appear near the top of the tab.
Admin Tools
Space Management
XOS ThunderCloud customers should maintain their total asset hours at or below their subscription limit through the ThunderCloud Space Management tool in SSO. This tool allows users to see the total number of storage hours in use. It displays all the available Game Plans in ThunderCloud with the number of media hours that each Game Plan is utilizing. When a Game Plan is deactivated from ThunderCloud the number of unique hours to that Game Plan will be subtracted from the total asset hours.
The total asset hours are calculated on an individual list of assets and their durations. Each media asset is individually calculated based on the master duration within Thunder. Assets are counted once toward the total ThunderCloud asset hours regardless of the number of Game Plans the asset appears in. Game Plan hours include assets shared across multiple Game Plans, as well as those unique to that Game Plan. It’s possible for the number of exclusive hours in a Game Plan to change as other Game Plans are added or removed. For example, two Game Plans can share all assets, however, when one of those Game Plans is deactivated the other will hold all of those assets exclusively.
- Game Plan Number – Total number of ThunderCloud Game Plans.
- Asset Number – Total media assets (video, PowerPoint slides, Title slides, etc.) in ThunderCloud.
- Asset Hours – Total number of ThunderCloud hours being used.
- Active – This box is the same as the Show in Cloud checkbox in Thunder. If unchecked the Game Plan will no longer be available in ThunderCloud. This change will be reflected on your Thunder LAN network after a successful ThunderCloud sync.
- Game Plan Path – The folder structure in Thunder to find this Game Plan.
- Game Plan Name – Name of the Game Plan.
- Game Plan Hours – The total number of asset hours for a Game Plan.
- Shared Hours – The number of asset hours within the Game Plan that are being utilized in other Game Plans.
- Exclusive Hours – The number of hours unique to this Game Plan. If Active is unchecked this is the number of hours subtracted from your total Asset Hours.
Reducing Asset Hours
- Uncheck the Active box to see the number of Asset Hours that will be saved by un-sharing a Game plan in ThunderCloud. Game Plans are not deactivated in ThunderCloud until the Submit button is selected.
- Click the Submit button in the lower left to confirm your changes.
- ThunderCloud users will be unable to access any Game Plans whose Active box is unchecked and submitted.
- To reactivate a Game Plan in ThunderCloud users must go onto a Thunder client and select the Show In Cloud box in the Manage Game Plans section.
- Shared Hours and Exclusive Hours will not update in real time, these calculations are performed nightly and reflected accordingly daily.
- Game Plans added to ThunderCloud throughout the day will not be reflected in the total. They will appear the next day after the calculations have been run.
- Double clicking on a column will sort it alphanumerically to better view names or total hours
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