Portable Organize Workflow
The Portable Organizer workflow for Bowl Practices involves an editor and portable hard drives to distribute practice video to the coaches. This workflow is similar to the Away Game Workflow that is used to get game video to coaches on the way home from road games.
This workflow will be most efficient if someone is able to work on editing and copying media during the practice. It is recommended that one machine is used for the editor, but two can be used if Offense and Defense are done separately.
A docking station will allow you to copy to up to 10 portable drives at once – five on the laptop and five on the docking station. The reason we limit the number of drives you can copy to is the bus that controls the data transfer saturates at five drives. Since the docking station runs on a separate bus from the usb ports you can do five on each. We recommend that each of the portable hard drives be labeled and used by the same coach each day as cutups can be made and saved on each drive.
Creating Portable Organizers
Create a new Portable Organizer from the Organizer menu in Thunder on the root of the local media drive where you will be importing the practice masters.
- Click the Organizers button and select New…
2. Give the Portable Organizer a Name and select the Media drive (This should be the same drive where you will import/capture the media).
3. Create Folders in the Portable Organizer for your practice edits
Portable Organizer Workflow
Import/Capture practice video to your network folders as usual. Be sure to import/capture to the same drive where the Portable Organizer lives (Media drive).
1. As you finish creating edits, copy them to the folders in the Portable Organizer. When asked if you would like to copy the media, click Yes. Because the media already exists on the same drive as the Portable Organizer, it will simply create a hardlink to the media instead of an additional copy, and
therefore will complete in a couple seconds.
2. Once the edits and media are in the Portable Organizer, right-click on the name to close the Portable Organizer and minimize Thunder. Closing the Portable Organizer before step 5 is imperative.
3. Open XOS Copy Manager, which can be found by hitting Start, search for XOS Copy Manager
a. Use the Add Folder button to set Source to the Portable Organizer
created on the root of the local media drive.
b. Set the Destination to the root of each of your external hard drives.
c. Click Copy and XOS Copy Manager will begin to copy to the external drives.
DO NOT re-open your Portable Organizer in Thunder until XOS Copy Manager has completed.
d. Once the copy has completed the status will display Done: True.
As the Copy Manager is running, you can mark and create additional edits.
e. Minimize the Copy Manager. It does not need to be restarted for each copy. Simply click Copy again to copy new items.
4. Repeat steps1 through 3 for all practice edits. Keep the Portable Organizer closed in Thunder until XOS Copy Manager has completed each copy. Once each copy is complete you may re-open the organizer in Thunder.
Adding Data for Practice
In order to distribute data, it needs to be added to the edits before they are copied to the Portable Organizer. In this case, the workflow will be similar to the one described above, except that a Masters folder should be created on the Portable Organizers and only the Master Edits should be copied to the Portable until after practice when data is entered. Once the data is in, copy the Edits to the Portable Organizer and run the Copy Manager again. It should finish quickly since the video has already been copied with the Master Edits.
1. As you import/capture media, copy only the Master Edits to the folders in the Portable Organizer.
When asked if you would like to copy the media, click Yes. Because the media already exists on the same drive as the Portable Organizer, the media will not actually copy and will complete in a couple seconds.
2. Once the Masters are in the Portable Organizer, close the Portable Organizer and minimize Thunder.
3. Run the XOS Copy Manager (which can be found by searching for XOS Copy Manager from the Start menu) to copy the Portable Organizer and its contents to the portable hard drives.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for all practice Masters. Keep the Portable Organizer closed in Thunder until XOS Copy Manager has completed each copy. Once each copy is complete you may re-open the organizer in Thunder.
5. After practice is finished, input data to the edits in the network folders by either typing directly in the playlist or importing the data from text files using Import Edit Stats.
6. Once all of the edits that require data are complete, copy the Edits to the appropriate folder in the portable organizer and repeat steps 4 and 5.
It is not advised that practice data be entered while working in a Portable Organizer. If data entered to edits in a Portable Organizer needs to be on other portable drives or on the network upon returning home, it would need to be exported and imported. Additionally, if a user does choose to enter data to an edit on a Portable Organizer, they must hit the Save button before ejecting the edit, as the data will not save on its own like it does on the network.
Creating Edits/Cutups in Portable Organizers
To create cutups that contain both practice video on the Portable Organizer and edits local on the laptop, the local edit must be copied to the Portable Organizer first. To copy an edit, you will need to drag the edit to the Portable Organizer. When asked if you would like to copy the media, select No. The edit will copy quickly because no media is being copied.
- Create a folder in the Portable Organizer for copied edits.
2. Find the edit in the Game Plan Folder, and then click on the Portable Organizer brick at the bottom left for Portable Organizers. Do not click on any folders in the Portable Organizer or you will no longer see the edits you wish to copy.
3. Copy the Edit to a folder on the Portable Organizer by dragging and dropping the edit from the network folder.
4. Once the edit or edits have been copied, cutups can be created and saved in the Portable Organizer using any edit that lives on the portable drive.
Returning to Network
All cutups created on Portable Organizers should be copied to a network folder while connected to the server. Edits created in the Portable Organizer should not be copied to the Thunder folders while in travel mode.
Only while on the server
1. Open the Portable Organizers in Edit Station and drag and drop the coaches’ cutups to Network or User Share folders.
2. When the Copy Assets box pops up, choose a server volume and upload media when prompted
3. After a successful sync and upload, all practice edits, cutups and media will be on the server and available to everyone on the network.
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