Quickie Stats
Quick Stats
Quickie Stats enable a user to get a quick percentage summary based on the columns that they’ve selected. They can then double-click on a stat and it’ll drill down to the video.
- Select the headings of the columns in the order in which you want them to be reported over
- Right click and select Quickie Stats or select the Quick Stats icon in the toolbar
- Double click on a row to load the corresponding plays
- Right-click on the Quickie Stat report and you’ll be presented with additional options
Customize Quick Stats
You have the ability to change the colors that are displayed and the double click functionality within the Quickie Stats window.
- Click the dropdown arrow on the Quickie Stats button and select Setup Quickie Stats
- Choose a custom color palette
- Select the double click functionality inside the Quickie Stats window
Quick Average
Quickie Average will provide a user with the average number in a numerical field.
- Select the headings of the columns in the order in which you want the Quick Average
- Right click and select Quickie Average
- A new window will open reporting the average for that column
Please Note – Quickie Average will not work for Field Position as this not a numerical field
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